Re:Align Pilates

0407 225 753Website and training
Principal and Owner of Re:Align Pilates. Est 2009
Principal Level – PAA
B. Education (Human Movement and Health) Sydney University
Deanna started out her working life as a PDHPE teacher in the Wagga Wagga and surrounding areas public high schools. Being Dance trained she also worked with students in the school community and participated in numerous Schools Spectaculars, Eisteddfods, School Productions and the Sydney Olympic Games Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
After getting married and having her own beautiful children, Deanna needed a change of direction and Pilates was it! Pilates is now a way of life. It blends perfectly with her teaching, dance skills and her knowledge of the body and movement patterns. The more she understands about how the body works the more she needs to know. Deanna is passionate about imparting her knowledge to help her clients live pain free but also how to continue to move functionally in their own environments.
Deanna has completed over 13,000 teaching hours in Pilates and has completed further study in Neuroscience to help her clients create a better mind/body connection.
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